
Friday, June 28, 2013

Jun 28 WOD: A PR, a hairy metcon, and a cake

I may need to buy more long socks for these dead lift days.


Dead lift 1RM (15 minutes)
Partner glute ham raise 4 x 15

B. Metcon

7 minutes AMRAP

100m sprint
20 kettlebell swings (32/24)

I grouped with Trish, Rhona, and Helen for the dead lift. The last time I got my 1RM was when I did the Total sometime late last year, and I did 185 lbs. Today, I got a 5 lb PR and did 190. I attempted to do 200 but I couldn't even get the bar off the ground. But I'm still happy with 190. I know I'll get 200 next time!

For the metcon, I used only 16 kg. Good thing, too, because my legs were feeling heavy after the SWOD. Also, mixing running and KBS is never a good thing. Plus it was sooo hot outside! I know the board said "sprint" but I was doing something that looked more like jogging. Finally, after it was all over, we crowded around the tres leches cake that Albright had made and brought. Yum. I love that I have so many boxmates who are bakers and cooks!

Photo by Albright

But wait, that's not all. Like an afterthought, I joined the bootcamp class's cool down of alternating 1 minute wall squats and planks.

My score: 190 (dead lift); 4 + 15 KBS (16 kg)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jun 27 WOD: Getting to know pain

I've been reading up on some CrossFit stuff (duh, what else?!), trying to figure out what makes athletes tick. We know that what they do isn't all fun and games, and that very often they need to go to that place where it hurts and be comfortable there. I read Lisbeth Darsh's "Eat the Pain" post yesterday, which somewhat gave me the motivation I needed for today's WOD.


Overhead press 1RM (10 minutes)

B. Metcon

5 RFT (20 minutes)

20 band good mornings
15 push press (95/75)
10 box jumps (24/18)
5 burpees

Trish, Rhona, and I shared a bar for the SWOD. We also used the cute new wrist wraps that Rhona had made for us! I believe in my heart that they helped me with my brand-spankin'-new strict press PR.

I didn't know what the heck band good mornings were until the coach gave us a demo. So, you get a band, step on one end then wear the other end around the base of your neck, then you do a good morning. As what I did last time, I avoided looking at the clock, and whenever I took a break I tried to limit it to 3 to 5 deep breaths (operative word: tried).

My score: 70 (overhead press); 16:47 (green band, 55 lbs, 18")

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jun 25 WOD: Fun AMRAP

Sometimes it's best to go into a WOD with NO expectations - just work your ass off and see what happens. - @MentalityWOD

And I tried doing just that today.


Pendlay rows 5 x 5 (70 - 80% of 1RM) EMOM

B. Metcon

12 minutes AMRAP

3 dead lifts (185/135)
6 push ups
9 box jumps (24/18)

Trish and I shared a bar for the Pendlay rows. We started with 65 lbs then on our last set we did 75 lbs. For the metcon, Coach Jordan had to divide us into 2 heats. I was in the second heat along with Rhona, who somehow convinced me to go Rx. It wasn't so bad. I avoided looking at the time and tried to keep a steady pace.

My score: 75 (Pendlay rows); 11 + 6 push ups

Monday, June 24, 2013

Jun 24 WOD: Snatch couplet

Considering that I had been gorging myself all weekend long, today's workout wasn't so bad. But my weekend eating habits have so worsened that I'm considering doing the 21-Day Sugar Detox. Considering is the key word. I need to read up more on that before plunging into it.

A. SWOD (12 minutes)

Back squat 1RM

B. Metcon

10 minutes AMRAP

15 power snatch (75/55)
30 double unders

Trish and I shared a bar for the SWOD and on our last set we did 135 lbs. No PRs were set. For the metcon, I kept the long bar for the snatch and used the prescribed weight.

Been waiting to use that meme for such a long time, and now I can!

My score: 135 (back squat); 2 + 3 DUs

Friday, June 21, 2013

Jun 21 WOD: Double celebration at the box

I wore my special running shirt in hopes that it will give me extra strength and endurance for today's run WOD. Fail!


Power snatch 10 x 3

B. Metcon

2 rounds (6 minutes per round)

800m run
Max reps overhead squats (115/75)

I started with 45 lbs for the power snatch but added weight after a few sets and ended up with 55 lbs. We were told to avoid pressing out, and if we do start pressing out we were to use a lighter weight. Since we were doing only 3 reps every 2 minutes, I took my time and made sure that my form was as correct as can be. I especially made sure to push my knees outward during set up.

For the metcon, I only used 45 lbs. I finished the first run with maybe a minute to spare and was able to crank out 9 reps for the OHS. Don't ask about the second run. My only consolation for having DNF-ed yet again was the food that Gerard and Trish brought (they're celebrating their engagement and Gerard's birthday!): pizza and cheesecake!

Class picture grabbed from Tere's IG post

My score: 55 (power snatch); 9 reps (45 lbs)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jun 20 WOD: It's heavy jerks and burpee pull ups kind of day

My bruised collarbone is still sore. It hurts to do shoulder presses and cleans but I was still the first one at the box this morning.


Strict press 5 x 5 (65 - 75% of 1RM)

B. Metcon


3 push jerks (205/115)
10 burpee pull ups

Trish and I shared a bar for the SWOD. We did the first set using 45 lbs, then eventually ended up with 60 lbs on the last set. For the metcon I used 75 lbs and did burpee jumping ring pull ups. I felt my form go out the window on the third set, but still I stuck to 75 lbs. I knew I could do it if I didn't rush myself, but I couldn't help but be conscious about my bruised collarbone every time I racked the bar. Mercifully, I finished within the prescribed time with seconds to spare.

My score: 60 (shoulder press); 9:57 (75)

Post-WOD, the girls and I did a bit of what we call "ninja training" with Coach Jordan. He had us do arm rows with a 16 kg kettlebell and another thing where we lie on a bench and, holding an 8 kg kettlebell above, we slowly extend our arms overhead and lower it.

In other news, I got myself a lacrosse ball for self-massaging.

I like that it's more portable than a roller, and that it can reach parts of your body that a roller cannot. Oh, and I love that I can give myself a foot massage just by rolling the soles of my foot on it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jun 18 WOD: Of snatch grip dead lifts and hang power cleans

After the disappointing result of yesterday's WOD, I didn't feel like working out today. But my rest days are planned for Wednesdays, and my OC self just couldn't allow for a messed-up schedule so I still went.

A. Skill

Snatch grip dead lift 8 x 3 (using the hook grip)

B. Metcon

13 minute time cap

13, 12, 11, 10... 1 hang power clean (115/75)
1, 2, 3, 4... 13 handstand push ups

I taped my thumbs for the hook grip (see simple demo video below).

Tere (she's back!) and I shared a bar for the dead lift, and we used 110 lbs. For the metcon, she managed to convince me to use the prescribed weight and I'm glad I let myself be convinced. It turns out 75 lbs isn't so heavy after you've done heavier dead lifts. Also, I did handstand holds instead of HSPU (1 rep HSPU = 3 second hold). I felt my arms getting wobbly during my last handstand hold, which was 18 seconds long. But I had to keep holding because I didn't want to waste effort on getting my feet back up.

My score: 110 (snatch grip dead lift); 91 reps (up to the set of 7 HPC)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Jun 17 WOD: DNF Monday

I'm not feeling the WOD love this month. Nevertheless, I shall continue to "trust the programming," as Coach Pau likes to say.


3 x 3 back squats (85 - 90% of 1RM)

Rest 3 minutes

EMOM 4 minutes

8 front squats (95/65)

B. Metcon

3 rounds

15 dead lifts (185/135)
400m run
Max reps toes to bar

Trish and I shared a bar for the back squats and we did 120 lbs. After that, we used the prescribed weight for the front squats. Then for the metcon, I used 115 lbs and did sit ups instead of toes to bar. I was able to finish only the first round, with about 30 seconds to spare for the sit ups. And then I couldn't finish the last 2 rounds anymore in 4 minutes.

My score: 120 (back squats); 65 (front squats); 8 sit ups

Friday, June 14, 2013

Jun 14 WOD: Bar complex

Dead lifts, cleans, and jerks... that's what (CrossFit) girls are made of. Finally, a workout that I liked!


Power clean EMOM 10 x 2 (85 - 90% of 1RM)

B. Metcon


5 dead lifts (155/95)
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 jerks

The 10 am class was so full, we almost ran out of bars! Trish and I shared a bar for the SWOD. At first, we thought we'd stick to 85 lbs but we eventually added a bit more to make it 95 lbs. For the metcon, I only used 65 lbs - which I later realized was too light because I finished in under 5 minutes.

My score: 95 (power clean); 4:07 (metcon)

After the WOD, we started talking about the team throwdown happening in September. One team is composed of 2 boys and 1 girl, and according to Coach Pau the format of the throwdown will be similar to the one we had in June last year. Meaning, teams go against each other once a week then there will be a final throwdown at the end of the month. I'm thinking about joining but I don't know how I'll be able to handle the stressssss.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jun 13 WOD: More new stuff to do

Strange new movements they're asking us to do this month. I really felt the burn in my legs during today's workout. And for the first time in months, I've had serious DOMS. Coach Jordan says that's a good sign because it means we're working muscles that we rarely do.


Dead lifts 5 x 5 (65 - 70% of 1RM)

B. Metcon


2 x 10 single leg box jump (20/16)
2 x 10 lunges (155/105)
5 strict toes to bar

I used 135 lbs for the dead lift - a little bit over the prescribed 70% limit - and I focused on being careful with my form. For the metcon, I used a 12" box stacked with a couple of plates to make it 16", only 45 lbs for the lunges, and did strict leg raises. The single leg box jumps took some getting used to and I nearly hit the box with my face when I missed a jump, but I got the hang of it.

My score: 135 (dead lift); 14:27 (metcon)

After the workout, Rhona, Trish, and I begged Coach Jordan to make a program for us to help us with the movements and he agreed. Best coach ever! He said we'll focus on the upper body first, then had us do 10 x 2 underhand pull ups. We were allowed to jump on the first rep, but for the second one we needed to use the stretch reflex of our muscles (at least, that's how I understood his explanation) to pull ourselves up again. So not easy. He had to spot me on the second reps so I could get my chin over the bar.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Jun 11 WOD: Power clean SWOD

Today's workout wasn't as bad as yesterday's.


EMOM power cleans 10 x 3 (75 - 85% of 1RM)

B. Metcon

EMOM x 7

2 laps shuttle run
15 kettlebell swings (24/16)

My score: 85 (power clean); KBS 16

If you look at it on the board, you wouldn't think 15 reps for the KBS isn't that many, but it starts to seem like it when you're on the clock and you're supposed to finish within a minute.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Jun 10 WOD: Burpees and plates

Looks like it's going to be another tough week ahead.


Back squats 5 x 5 (75 - 80% of 1RM)
Partner glute ham raise 4 x 10

B. Metcon

2 RFT (18 minute time cap)

30 burpees
40 plate ground to overhead (45/25)
50 plate overhead lunges

Helen and I shared a bar for the squats and we used 100 lbs. The partner GHR felt a bit strange, but that's how it is when you do something for the first time. For the metcon I used the prescribed 25 lb plate. It was painful! I felt the sweat streaming down my face and I kept imagining that I would have to go through worse if I were seriously training as regional-level athlete. The trend at the box seems to be for athletes to work towards being able to join the CrossFit Asia Regional competition next year. That's for the serious ones. Me, I'm happy just getting PRs and improving on my lifts.

My score: 100 (back squat); 1 + 35 plate ground to OH

Friday, June 7, 2013

Jun 7 WOD: Upside-down fun

We did another SWOD before the metcon, and today it was the strict press.

A. SWOD: Shoulder press

4 x 12 (40 - 50% of 1RM)

B. Metcon

12 minutes AMRAP

3 thrusters (135/95)
6 handstand push ups
9 toes to bar

Helen and I shared a bar for the SWOD, and for the first 3 sets we used 35 lbs; for the last set we used 40 lbs. There must be something special about those 12 reps. By the time you get to the 10th rep, the last 2 reps is all about getting through the mental difficulty of knowing you're not yet done. For the metcon I used 55 lbs for the thrusters (it felt heavier than that, especially after SWOD), did 10-second handstand holds instead of HSPUs, and did knee tucks on the rings.

My score: 40 (shoulder press); 6 + 10-sec hold

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jun 6 WOD: Ugh. Just ughhh.

The CFMNL site is down and we're thinking that they're testing us to see if we'd still show up for WODs without knowing what they are. Hmmm... Anyway, we did another SWOD today before the metcon, and they were both tough!

A. SWOD: Front squats

4 x 12 (65% - 75% of 1RM)

B. Metcon

5 RFT (18 minute time cap)

10 dead lift (185/135)
15 push ups
20 kettlebell swings (32/24)

Trish, Tere and I shared a bar and we used 70 lbs for the first 3 sets of the SWOD, then 75 lbs for the last set. I suppose we could've gone heavier but our inner sandbagger in us won out. And then the metcon. The metcon was nasty. It doesn't look like much but when you're on the third round of 20 KBS you're going to start wishing you didn't have to do 2 more rounds.

My score: 75 (front squat); 15:50 (115 lbs deadlift, 12 kg kettlebell)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jun 4 WOD: Learning new things

Coach Matt said that one of the coaches from the Fort box is in charge of programming this month, that's why we're seeing new movements on the board for the workouts.

A. Skill: Pendlay Row

3 x 10 (medium weight)

B. Metcon

15 minutes AMRAP

5 strict pull ups
5 plate ground to overhead (45/25)
5 box jumps (24/18)

I didn't know what Pendlay rows were but I assumed they were named after famous weightlifter Glenn Pendlay. Here's what it looks like:


For the metcon I alternated between the blue band and the green band for the strict pull ups, although I eventually stuck with the green. Then I did the plate ground to overhead and box jumps as prescribed.

My score: 60 (Pendlay rows); 8 + 10 plate ground to OH

Monday, June 3, 2013

Jun 3 WOD: On the road to thunder thigh highway

I love squats. You know I love squats. I'm a squatter at heart. But today's SWOD was really yucky.


5 x 12 back squats at 65 - 75% of 1RM (15 minutes)

B. Metcon


10 burpees
20 kettlebell swings (24/16)
30 two-hand kettlebell chest to overhead

Trish and I shared a bar for the back squats and initially we thought about doing 85 lbs. But doing 5 reps of 85 lbs is very different from doing 12 reps of 85. So we stuck to 75. And even that was awful.

We did Russian swings (swing up to eye level) instead of the usual overhead swings for the KBS. I used a 12 kg kettlebell because I didn't feel confident about doing 30 chest to overhead at 16 kg. Still DNFed though.

My score: 75 (back squats); 3 + 10 burpees (metcon)
