
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Nov 5 WOD: Deja puke

The feeling I got after finishing today's WOD was eerily reminiscent of how I felt after that infamous workout we did last February. You know it's going to be bad when there's no strength or skill work before the metcon and there's a 30 minute time cap.

5 RFT (30 minute cap)

6 handstand push ups
12 thrusters (135/95#)
18 burpees over barbell
24 pull ups

I scaled everything but the burpees. I did pike push ups on the box for the HSPU and ring rows instead of pull ups. It was such a mental game to keep going (a game I lost again and again), especially when transitioning from the thrusters to the burpees. I divided the reps into sets of 6 at the outset to pace myself.

My score: 3 + 18 ring rows (55#)

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