
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nov 10: Karera Lakas Pilipinas - Commandant's Cup

You know how when you get a hangover you swear you're never going to drink again? I always say that at CrossFit, usually after a team event, but then when the next team event comes up I find myself inevitably drawn to joining. I said that after Brave Mudders last year, but then I found myself signing up for the CrossFit Open a few months later. After the Open, I joined the ION Manila Throwdown last September. I swore after that I wasn't going to cave in to peer pressure (or as my boxmates like to call it, "encouragement") and join another event or competition, yet there I was last Sunday morning getting ready at 4:30 am for the Karera Lakas Pilipinas 5K obstacle run.

There wasn't any team category in the race but the CFMNL coaches probably thought it would be a good idea to form teams of 5. I teamed with Coach Jordan, his girlfriend Marix, Maigirl, and Rhona. The race was in Cavite -- a good 1 1/2 hours from Manila -- and it started at 8 am. There was a hecka lot of uphill running at the beginning and I walked a lot. I was wearing an old pair of shoes and after a while the arch of my foot started aching a bit. Nothing unbearable though.

Race map
The obstacles were fun but the run was a killer.

Happy faces before the obstacles

Boulder maze

10 kg sandbag carry

CFMNL family enjoying a picnic lunch by the beach catered by Cafe Lupe