
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Aug 15 WOD: Mary + Wendler Day 7

We don't have work today so I was able to attend the 12:30 pm class. I still went early, though, to work on strength.

I'm on my third week of doing Wendler, and Tere and I did dead lifts today.

Warm up: 3 x 65; 3 x 85; 3 x 105

75% x 5 = 5 x 115
85% x 3 = 3 x 130
95% x 1+ = 4 x 145

Assistance: None. We were doing a benchmark WOD so I wanted to save my energy.

My sets (left) and Tere's

In between the strength workout and the WOD, while working on double unders... I was able to do 22 unbroken. Unbroken. And in case you didn't read: Unbroken! Achievement unlocked. In yo face, double unders! You know when you are finally able to do something you thought would be a long time coming? Amazement. That's what I felt. Now I just need to keep at it and be consistent.

We did the benchmark workout Mary today. It's 20 mins AMRAP of

- 5 Handstand push ups
- 10 Pistol squats
- 15 Pull ups

I did pike push ups with my legs on a 12" box. It was my first time to try pistol squats, and I discovered that they are as hard as they look. I held on to the windowsill for support while doing them. As for the pull ups, I used the blue band.

My score: 7 + 6 pistol squats.

Post-WOD, Amy, Isabelle and I did some ab exercises using the app that Amy had on her phone. It was only 10 mins long, but still -- ouch!

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