
Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17 WOD: Cleans

I've been telling some people at the box how burned out I've been feeling lately. I haven't felt that thrill I usually get just before walking through that red door of the box. The bar feels heavy, my body feels slow.... Since I started CF in late 2011 I've never taken a purposeful break longer than 5 or 6 days and when I go on vacation in a couple of weeks I think I'll probably do just that.


5 sets of:

Heavy power clean 1-1-1
Rest 20 seconds
5 tall box jumps

B. Metcon

5 sets of the following every 3 minutes:

6 power clean (75-80% of heavy power clean)
12 hand release push up
300m run

I didn't run 300m the whole 5 sets because after a couple of sets I couldn't complete one set anymore in under 3 minutes. So Coach Jordan allowed me to run only 200m -- and I still DNFed.

My score: 105# (power clean); 24" (tall box jump); 4+12 HRPU (85#)

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