
Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20 WOD: Snatch complex and Annie


5 sets of the following complex:

Hang squat snatch + Squat snatch (80%)

B. Metcon

Annie (12 minutes cap)

Double unders
Sit ups

I've read somewhere that the squat snatch should be simply called the snatch. Because if the WOD doesn't say you're supposed to do a a power snatch, you should know you're supposed to do a full (or squat) snatch. So it's either a snatch or a power snatch. Same with the clean. Just a bit of trivia.

My DUs were miraculously okay today. I think it helped when I tried to keep in mind what Amie always tells me - feet together and flick the wrists down to avoid tripping. I DNFed but since I only had a few reps to go, I finished it anyway.

My score: 45# (snatch complex); 268 reps (made it to the 8th rep of the 20 sit ups)

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