
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug 1 WOD: Wall ball ladder and another birthday celebration

It's Dong's birthday tomorrow, and since feeding your boxmates has become somewhat of a tradition at the box (or at least in our class), he brought food today. Actually, he hired a caterer to bring food. Yes, he's that nice.


1 1/4 front squats 5 x 3 (80% - 90%)

B. Metcon

12 minute ladder:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5... ring muscle ups
10, 20, 30, 40, 50... wall balls

Lala and I shared a bar for the front squats, which at first felt weird. I mean, why bounce? But then I realized it's supposed to train us on how to get out of the hole. Nobody likes getting stuck in the hole. For the metcon, I did kneeling muscle ups and used a 7 kg ball for the wall balls. It was terrible!

After the WOD I worked on my kips and my kipping pull up. I let all the tips from Smacky, Rhona, and Lala sink in. Several tries later, I was eventually able to do several legit pull ups. Finally, finally, FINALLY!!! I felt like dancing. I'm so glad my grips are arriving soon so I can continue practicing!

My score: 85 (front squats); 4 + 5 kneeling muscle ups (7 kg)

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