
Friday, July 5, 2013

Jul 5 WOD: Squats and burpees

There was no SWOD today. What we did have was a PWOD -- partner WOD. I guess the WOD-maker figured we'd need a break from the past 2 weeks' 1RMs.

For time (23 minutes time cap)

30 back squats (70% of 1RM)
40 burpees
30 back squats (60%)
40 burpees
30 back squats (50%)
40 burpees
30 back squats (40%)

Only one person at a time should be working, and we could divide the reps any which way we wanted. I got paired with Helen and we agreed that we'd split the number of reps evenly. I was able to do the 20 burpees unbroken only on the first set. Those goshdarn burpees! It didn't help that the squats had made my legs heavy. Although I did have an epiphany while doing those burpees (apparently, that's possible)... it's possible to ride out your tiredness by letting your breathing dictate your rhythm. Wow. Must experiment on this further.

Our score: 18:36 (85/75/60/50)

And in other news, another box throwdown is looming on the horizon.

CFMNL team throwdown
I'd been thinking about joining the Med RX division, but I knew I had to work hard on getting those knees to elbows down. I initially thought they'd require toes to bar, but since they scaled it to a more doable movement my apprehension has somewhat abated. My only other issue is the venue, which is in Alabang... which is like the province for me since I live way up north. We'll see. Diane had already put my name down on the sign up sheet, but nothing is final until I've paid (P3,000 per team, so that's P1,000 per team member).

The details are here.

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