
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dec 11 WOD: Choose your weakness

On the menu today: clean and jerks as an appetizer and pistol squats and pull ups for the main course.

Before the 15 minutes of skills work started, we were supposed to warm up to our working weight, which is 85-95% of our 1RM clean and jerk. Then when the 15 minutes started counting down, we had to do 5 sets of 1 rep each of this weight -- no adding and no subtracting of weights.

I used 75 lbs, basing my calculation on a 1RM of 85 lbs, but upon checking my log, I find out that my 1RM is in fact 80 lbs. Oops. That's still 95% of my 1RM, though.

After that, there was an on the minute (OTM) 16 minute metcon, where again we had the choice:

Odd minutes: 6 squat cleans or max reps pistol squats
Even minutes: 8 pull ups or 4 muscle ups

I went with the pistols and the pull ups, because those were what I needed to work on. I'd been practicing pistol squats at home and at the office (when I'm sure nobody is looking), so I also wanted to try doing it in a WOD. Success! My pistols are not perfect, but I will get there. I just need to gain a bit more flexibility.

Someday, I'll be able to do it perfectly like Christmas Abbott:

But for now, I like that I'm able to say, "My butt hurts from doing 107 pistols!" :)

My score: 75 lbs for the C&J; 107 reps for the pistol squats.

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