
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30 WOD: Jack

My triceps are still seriously sore from Monday's thruster workout. It wasn't so bad yesterday morning, but the arms progressively got more sore as the day wore on. And this morning, I found it difficult to put on my clothes! But I'm not complaining. Well, maybe a little bit. At least I don't whine about it. Pain? Bring.It.On!

We did another benchmark workout today. There are lots of benchmark workouts, as you can see from my log book:

I think the coaches are ticking them off the list one by one!

The workout we did is called Jack, in honor of Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, who died in Jolo, Philippines in September 2009 from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. It is 20 mins AMRAP of:

- 10 push presses (Rx: 75 lbs)
- 10 kettlebell swings (Rx: 16 kg)
- 10 box jumps (Rx: 20")

I used a 45 lb bar, a 12 kg kettlebell, and an 18" box. My score: 10 rounds + 1 push press. All of us were on the floor after that.

Amen. Jack: done and done! Till we meet again!

P.S. I was able to do 3 pull ups using the blue band today. Yipee! Now I want to work on my dead hang pull ups.

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