
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sep 19 WOD: Cindy + Wendler

Strength: Shoulder press

I finally was able to push the laziness aside and continue with the Wendler. My sets:

65% x 5 = 5 x 35
75% x 5 = 5 x 40
85% x 5+ = 10 x 45


We've done the "Mini-Cindy" and "I wish it was just Cindy" in the past, and today I met the real Cindy. It's 20 mins AMRAP of:

- 5 pull ups
- 10 hand release push ups
- 15 squats

I used the ever-reliable blue band for the pull ups. I was able to do man push ups for the first 4 sets or so, and after that my arms started getting fatigued so I did girl push ups... and in the last set I started worming it.

My score: 12 + 10 HRPU.

In other news, I signed up for the Brave Mudders trail run on Oct 21 at Nuvali. Gulp, and double gulp!

I haven't run for the longest time. For the longest time! The only time I run is when the WOD calls for it. So signing up for this was kind of a big deal for me. One of the biggest issues I have is the shoes I'm going to wear!

It was announced that we'll be divided into different teams. I only hope I won't let my team down!

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