
Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb 25 WOD: Clean and jerks + Wendler

Strength: Dead lifts

I realized while reviewing my log book that I didn't get the number of reps right today. And being the OC person that I am, it annoys the heck out of me. It almost makes me want to redo the thing. Almost.

Warm up: 5 x 65; 5 x 85; 3 x 105

75% x 5 = 1 x 125
85% x 3 = 1 x 140
95% x 1+ = 4 x 160

Assistance 1: Good mornings

1 x 10 x 35
2 x 10 x 55
2 x 10 x 75

Assistance 2: Kettlebell swings

5 x 10 x 16 kg

Assistance 3: Walking lunges

1 x 10 (no weight)
4 x 10 x 15 lb (overhead)


For the first part, we practiced the clean and jerk and we had 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single. Although there was an option to do either a squat clean or a power clean, Coach Jordan suggested that we stick with the squat clean since that's what we were going to do for the second part of the workout. I was able to work up to 95 lbs -- a 10 lb PR for me! Happy, happy, joy, joy.

The second part of the workout was 3 minutes AMRAP:

- 3 squat clean and jerks (155/105)
- 6 chest to bar pull ups

Rest 3 minutes, then 3 minutes AMRAP:

- 3 squat clean and jerks (135/95)
- 6 CTB pull ups

Rest 3 minutes, then 3 minutes AMRAP:

- 3 squat clean and jerks (115/75)
- 6 CTB pull ups

Again, I did ring rows instead of assisted pull ups.

My score: 75 - 2+1 SCJ; 65 - 2+3 RR; 55 - 3+2 SCJ

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