I got these funky socks as a Christmas present from one of my sisters and decided to wear them today for good luck.
Today, we did 15-12-9-6-3 of:
- Power snatch (Rx: 75)
- Bar-facing burpees
I started out with 45 lbs, then on my second set Miggy gave me two 5s to add to my bar. It was of course still doable, but it made the barfees that much more difficult. I finished with 14:24 and I was totally spent after that.
For the metcon, we did 4 x 400m run every 3 minutes. My legs felt so heavy! Today's workout really made me regret my breakfast of a few slices of very un-paleo rum cake. I also questioned why I bothered to come and do today's WOD... which is something I almost always do anyway.
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