
Friday, December 21, 2012

Dec 21 WOD: Squeaky clean

Great workout today! Of course, that wasn't what was going through my mind while I was actually doing it. The first part of the workout was 6 minutes AMRAP:

- 3 power cleans (Rx: 105 - same weight across)
- 3 hang squat cleans
- 3 squat cleans

I used a 65 lbs bar - almost didn't want to but I wanted to make my last workout before Christmas count. I also tried to apply something that I read (which I also learned from Coach Pau) about resting for a certain number of breaths then going at it again. I was able to do 5 rounds + 3 hang squat cleans.

For the metcon, I did:

- 60 paralette dips
- 10 x 12 second L-sits

As I was on my way out, I saw these girls double WOD-ing with Coach Matt. It's advance payment for all the food they'll be eating during the next few days! Heck, we'll all be doing AMRAP eating this season!

Ann, Matt, and Rach
A special Noche Buena WOD was announced yesterday. Those who wanna work out on the 24th are going to do a team WOD with the coaches and they'll be doing the Lumberjack 20. Sounds painful.

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