
Monday, June 25, 2012

Jun 25 WOD: Some days are good; others aren't

It must've been all the bread I ate during the weekend. Well, the bread and all the other non-paleo stuff I had, too (pasta, coffee float from Jollibee, among others). What? I can't resist pandesal with butter and/or peanut butter! Anyway, I shouldn't make excuses for my shoddy performance today.

The workout was 5 rounds of:

- 10 overhead squats (baby Rx: 45 lbs)
- 10 burpee pull ups

I went with the prescribed baby Rx of 45 lbs but after 2 rounds I scaled down to 35 because I'd dropped the bar a couple of times and... I was just afraid I wouldn't be able to finish within the 15 min time cap. I scaled down further after the 3rd round and did front squats instead.

For the burpee pull ups, Jordan told us we could do 10 burpees first, then 10 jumping pull ups.

My time: 13:58.

As if that wasn't enough, I let myself get talked into joining the boot camp class by Tricia and Lady. The workout was a 3-person team workout, and we had to do 20 mins AMRAP of:

- 100 jump rope
- PVC overhead squat
- Medicine ball sit ups

The score is the total number of reps for the OHS and MB sit ups. We scored 509, and so my legs feel a little bit like jelly now.


  1. Parang pareho tayo a. I ate mcdonald's bigntasty... and rice :|

    Maybe it's only psychological but I feel lethargic.

  2. I think we're undergoing the same thing. I ate Mcdonald's BigNTasty and rice last weekend, and I felt so lethargic.

    Anyway, I started reading something new. Lose the wheat, lose the weight. I'll update you once I'm done.

  3. That's okay, the important thing is we get back on the wagon when we fall off. My tummy also protests when I eat too much bread or sugar.

    How do you like CrossFit so far? :)

  4. I couldn't go. I got a new consulting job that usually ends around 7pm :(

    Now, I'm just doing P90x sessions on dvd, and pilates (whatever's left of my muscle memory when I too one-on-one classes in 2008.

    1. Aww. :( Work always gets in the way of everything haha. I heard P90x is good.
