I really wanted to go to the box yesterday because I saw on the website that the WOD was CrossFit Total.
I read up on it and found
a simple definition on CrossFit.com. According to Mark Rippetoe, the CrossFit Total reflects an athlete's functional strength capacity more accurately than any other test. It is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat (back squat), the press (strict, no kipping), and the dead lift.
Since I love lifting, I tweeted my request to CrossFit MNL, asking if I could do it today. Coach Pau responded and set the time (9 am), and so I found myself at the box at 8:45 am. Excited! Tere arrived shortly after, then Pau explained how we should warm up. After the warm up, Tere and I went to work.
Back squat
Attempt 1: 105#
Attempt 2: 115#
Attempt 3: 120#
Attempt 1: 45#
Attempt 2: 55#
Attempt 3: 65# (a fail, so that means my score for the press is 55#)
Dead lift
For this one, I don't know how I got to my final score. I just knew that Pau kept adding weight until he told me that I was doing my last attempt. What was going on in my mind?
Shins to the bar, tight hams, tight core, chest up, and pull! When I succeeded, he told me that I did 170#.
One hundred seventy pounds (yes, I really have to spell that out). I couldn't help squealing and jumping for joy. A PR!
Our totals. Look at Tere's score! She's a beast! Rawr. |
I'm happy with my score, though. I googled the CrossFit Total score chart and found this:
Since my body weight is 112 and my score was 345, that means I'm somewhere in between intermediate and advanced. Heck, yeah!
For the "cash out," we did the regular WOD, which wasn't a piece of cake at all. I wanted to quit halfway through it. It was 15 rounds of:
- 30 secs max reps KBS
- 30 secs max reps air squats
- 30 secs rest
You get your score by adding up all the reps you'd done.
My quads were in agony after those 22 mins. To think I only used an 8 kg kettlebell. Anyway, my score: 461.