
Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30 WOD: Olys and DUs


Snatch complex (15 minutes)

Power snatch + hang squat snatch + squat snatch

Clean complex (15 minutes)

Power clean + push jerk + split jerk

B. Metcon

100 DUs
Rest the same amount of time 100 DUs were completed
100 DUs

My squat snatch still needs a lot of work, especially when it comes to getting into the bottom position. I used the blocks when I did the clean complex so I didn't exactly do power cleans because the bar was already at my knees.

Oh, and my DUs were actually quite decent today! I finished the first hundred in 2:48 and the second one in about 4 minutes. Small victories.

My score: 50# (snatch complex); 95# (clean complex); 9:43

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27 WOD: Glorious cleans!

Yeah, so I haven't been posting my workouts. The WODs during the past couple of months have been uninspiring. We're not allowed to drop heavy weights on the floor anymore, hence the increased frequency of body weight exercises. And I can only take so many wall balls, burpees, pull ups and squats. I still have been working out, only now I go twice a week instead of the usual four times a week. I'm trying to find a way to jumpstart my motivation.


3-position pausing squat clean

Pause 2 seconds at each position.

Position 1 - Knees
Position 2 - Mid-thighs
Position 3 - Pockets

B. Metcon

5 RFT (15 minute cap)

10 power cleans (135/95#)
10 burpees

My score: 85# (squat cleans); 11:45 (65#)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7 WOD: Plyo Wednesday

A. 4 square drills, Tabata style

2 sets of 8 different drills

B. Banded sprints x 10

C. Metcon

5 RFT (20 minute cap)

200m medicine ball run
15 wall balls (9/7 kg)
15 medicine ball burpees

I used a 5 kg ball for the metcon, and for the MB burpees, I did a burpee first before getting the ball and finishing with it overhead.

My score: 3 rounds + 150m run (5 kg)

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5 WOD: Push jerks and a mini-14.5


4 sets of:

6 push jerks
Rest 2 minutes

B. Metcon

EMOM x 14 minutes

Odd: 5 thrusters (95/65#) + 5 lateral burpees over bar
Even: Rest

Thank goodness for built-in rest periods!

My score: 65# (push jerks); 7 sets (55#)