Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes:
Clean + Front squat (80-85% across all sets)
B. Metcon
"Tabata" Bells and Burps
6 sets, max reps:
20 seconds KBS (24/16 kg)
10 seconds rest
20 seconds burpees
10 seconds rest
Well, that wasn't so bad. What WAS bad was when I ate pizza and crepe cake after the WOD. Maigirl and Jason were celebrating their birthday and had brought food. And Greg brought one of his cheesecake experiments for us to try. Needless to say, it was to die for, and I can't wait for his shop to open near the box!
My half-eaten slice of coffee cheesecake crepe cake |
Anyway, my score: 95# (clean complex); 76 reps Rx