EMOM x 10
2 x two-stop high pull (55 - 65% of 1RM power clean)
B. Metcon (10 minute running clock)
1. 400m run (3 minutes)
2. 10 rounds alternating tabata (5 minutes)
Back squat (135/95)
Front squat (135/95)
Rest 1 minute
3. 200m run
The high pulls were somewhat new, but I get why they wanted us to do it. You're supposed to pull the bar slowly from the ground until just below your knee, pause for 2 seconds, pull it again just above your knee, pause for 2 seconds, then do a high pull from that position.
I was the only girl in the 10 am class so there was an extra push to run as fast as the boys -- or at least not lag very far behind. And I did it! Successsss.
For extra work, I did 10-20 double unders on the minute for 10 minutes. That's what Coach Pau prescribed when I told him that DUs are one of the things I need to work on.
My score: 75 (high pulls); 1:48; 47 (at 65 lbs); 1:00
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