
Friday, August 2, 2013

Aug 2 WOD: 3RM Clean and jerk

Helen got her first pull up today! I think that August is going to be a great month!


3RM clean and jerk (20 minutes)

B. Metcon

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes:

200m medicine ball sprint (9/7 kg)

I was able to do 95 lbs, and since I still had 5 minutes left I decided to try 100. I did 1 rep. On the second rep, I was able to jerk it but I couldn't stabilize it so that was a no rep. For the MB "sprint" I used a 7 kg ball as prescribed. "Sprint" is in quotation marks because I didn't really sprint, though I did try to run as fast as my heavy legs would carry me and as much as the ball on my shoulder would allow.

My score: 95 (C&J)

May I share my dream for September's throwdown:

Behold this glorious display of abs
(I couldn't credit this amazing photo properly because
I just saw it floating around on Pinterest)
Wouldn't it be awesome if all the ladies walk onto the field looking like this??!


  1. ... and here I am salivating in jealousy.

    1. Right?? Right?? They probably didn't even have to hold their breath for those abs to show.
