
Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6 WOD: AMRAP-crazy

Today's workout was 4 rounds of:

2 minutes AMRAP

10 box jumps (24/18")
10 push press (115/75)

Rest 2 minutes

How it works is, you do as many rounds of 10 box jumps and 10 push press as you can in 2 minutes, then you rest for 2 minutes. At the start of the second round, you continue counting where you left off. At the end of the 4 AMRAPs, you count how many rounds you did in total.

I used an 18" box and 55 lbs for the push press. I realized that I could push hard if I knew that there was a rest period waiting in the horizon.

My score: 7 rounds + 2 push press

I AMRAP, yo.

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