
Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24 WOD: Oly

I like that Olympic lifts are fondly called "Oly." Sounds cute, no? Like the name of a guy. Also, it makes the snatch and clean and jerk sound less intimidating. We worked on those today. And how fitting that I'd just read Chad Vaughn's CrossFit Journal piece on getting better at Oly.

A. Oly lifts

In 12 minutes and in 7 attempts (successful or failed), work up to 80% of 1RM snatch.

In 12 minutes and in 7 attempts (successful or failed), work up to 80% of 1RM clean and jerk.

B. Metcon

3 RFT (5 minute time cap)

30 sumo deadlift high pull (45/35)
15 mountain climbers
8 toes to bar

For the snatch, I worked up to 60 lbs. I attempted to snatch 65 lbs twice but wasn't successful. The clean and jerk went better and I was able to work up to 100 lbs. For the metcon, I used a 35 lb bar and I did 12 situps instead of 8 TTB because I didn't want to aggravate my ripped calluses. It was supposed to be an all-out sprint since it's only 5 minutes but I still DNFed. Pfft.

My scores: 60 (snatch); 100 (C&J); 2 rounds + 4 SDHP

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