
Friday, March 1, 2013

Mar 1 WOD: 5RM Push press + Wendler

It's already March?! I guess it shouldn't be too hard to believe, since the weather is getting hotter and hotter by the day. Looking out my grimy office window, I can see that the sky is a cloudless blue. This would have been the perfect beach day and it makes me wish I were in Davao. But enough daydreaming.

Strength: Shoulder press

75% x 5 = 5 x 45
85% x 3 = 3 x 50
95% x 1+ = 4 x 60

Sadly, I wasn't able to do assistance work after the WOD because the bootcamp class was full and there wasn't any space left on the floor that I could use. I was surprised to see that many people -- around 15 or so!


The first 15 minutes, we worked on our 5RM push press. I worked my way up to 75 lbs. I was able to do 3 reps at 80 but I couldn't rack the bar from the overhead position and it would fall on the floor.

After that, we did the metcon, which was 7 minutes AMRAP:

- 10 toes to bar
- 15 ring push ups
- 20 box jumps (24/18")

Since I wasn't doing the T2B Rx'd, I did knees to elbows on the rings. I also did the ring push ups on my knees (those were darn hard!), and I did the box jumps as Rx'd.

After a few minutes of resting, we did the cash out 800m run. It was for time and according to the board, we were to give it our max effort. Riiighhtttt. My goal was simply to not stop, and I did it! I was even able to sprint the last 50 meters. Now I know it's not impossible to run continuously! Haha!

My score: 75# (push press) / 2 + 9 box jumps (metcon) / 4:50 (cash out)

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