I'd planned to start Week 2 of the Wendler today, but I looked at the board and saw lots of leg work so I asked Coach Jordan if it would be a good idea. He said if I do the dead lifts pre-WOD, I might not be able to max out on the clean and jerk. Okay, then. Starting Week 2 tomorrow!
For the skills part of the WOD, we worked on the clean and jerk. We were given 15 minutes to work up to 70-80% of our 1RM, then it's just 2 sets of 1 rep each at that weight. We were told to do squat cleans, and I guess it's because we're supposed to be working with heavy weights. I didn't know my 1RM so I just worked my way up rep by rep until I reached 75 lbs.
For the metcon, we did the following for time:
- 30 overhead squats (Rx: 65 lbs)
- 30 box jumps (Rx: 18")
- 30 wall balls (Rx: 14 lbs)
- 30 kettlebell swings (Rx: 16 kg)
I used 45 lbs for the OHS and 10 lbs for the wall balls, and the other 2 exercises I did as prescribed. I'm so happy I've moved up from 40 lbs for the OHS. It's the little victories that count. My time: 11:06.
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