Today starts Week 3 of Cycle 3.
Warm up: 3 x 65; 3 x 85; 2 x 105
75% x 5 = 1 x 130
85% x 3 = 1 x 145
95% x 1+ = 3 x 165
Uhh. It's only now that I've realized that I did it wrong today and I'm quite annoyed with myself. I thought I was supposed to do only 1 rep each, and not 5/3/1. Hello? Isn't that why it's called the Wendler 5/3/1?! Toink. Well, I got the last set right, at least. Oh, and I'm happy to report that I hook gripped all the way! I think I'm starting to get comfortable with it.
For the first part of the work out, we were given 15 minutes to get our 1RM snatch balance. I was able to work up to 45 lbs only, but I felt that given more time, I'd have been able to work up to 55 lbs (confidence!).
Rach and I shared a bar |
I thought I'd DNF yet again, but I surprised myself by finishing with more than 5 minutes to spare. You just gotta keep going, one at a time. Chip away at that number one at a time. Don't think about having to do 80 more - think about doing 10 more, then another 10, then another 10. Before you know it, you only have 10 left to do, and finally your day is done!
My time: 14:25.
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