
Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov 19 WOD: G.I. Jane + Wendler

Strength: Dead lifts

Today starts Week 3 of Cycle 3.

Warm up: 3 x 65; 3 x 85; 2 x 105

75% x 5 = 1 x 130
85% x 3 = 1 x 145
95% x 1+ = 3 x 165

Uhh. It's only now that I've realized that I did it wrong today and I'm quite annoyed with myself. I thought I was supposed to do only 1 rep each, and not 5/3/1. Hello? Isn't that why it's called the Wendler 5/3/1?! Toink. Well, I got the last set right, at least. Oh, and I'm happy to report that I hook gripped all the way! I think I'm starting to get comfortable with it.


For the first part of the work out, we were given 15 minutes to get our 1RM snatch balance. I was able to work up to 45 lbs only, but I felt that given more time, I'd have been able to work up to 55 lbs (confidence!).

Rach and I shared a bar
For the metcon, we did the benchmark G.I. Jane, which is 100 burpee pull ups. I, along with some others, did the scaled version, which is jumping pull ups using rings instead of a pull up bar.

I thought I'd DNF yet again, but I surprised myself by finishing with more than 5 minutes to spare. You just gotta keep going, one at a time. Chip away at that number one at a time. Don't think about having to do 80 more - think about doing 10 more, then another 10, then another 10. Before you know it, you only have 10 left to do, and finally your day is done!

My time: 14:25.

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