Last day of Week 3 - hurrah!
Warm up: 3 x 35
75% x 5 = 5 x 40
85% x 3 = 3 x 45
95% x 1+ = 3 x 55
My 1RM is now my 3RM. Yayyy! I'm starting to love them shoulder presses.
WOD: Fat Tabata
So called because instead of doing 8 sets of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off, we did 3 sets of 40 seconds on and 20 seconds off. Brilliant. There were 4 exercises to do:
- Ring dips
- Box jumps (Rx: 20")
- Hand release push ups
- Chest-to-bar pull ups
I did jumping ring dips and used a blue band for the pull ups; the other 2 exercises I did as prescribed. The score is the total number of reps for all 4 exercises. My score: 167.
After the WOD, Rachelle, Lady and I did a crazy ab routine that Coach Jordan gave. It made my whole mid-section hurt.
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