
Monday, March 26, 2012

Post-challenge Day 12 + Mar 26 WOD Another triplet

Today's meals

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, bananas with coconut butter
Lunch: Boiled sweet potato, singkamas, iced black coffee
Dinner: Burgers, chicken nuggets, singkamas
Snacks: Paleo brownies, apples

I guess I paid the price for my indulgences during the weekend. Apparently, my tummy didn't like what I ate and a lot of it went down the toilet this morning. Note to self: Indulge, not binge! I admit I went a little crazy on the cassava cake and desserts at Old Vine. So I won't be doing that again anytime soon.


Call me a nerd, but I got a bit excited when I saw that we'll be doing dead lifts today. We were given a 20 min time cap to do 5 rounds of:

- 6 dead lifts (Rx: 95 lbs)
- 9 toes-to-bar
- 12 weighted push ups (Rx: 25 lbs)

I was a little iffy about going Rx on the dead lifts, but I figured it's doable since the time cap was 20 mins. I did knees-to-chest instead of toes-to-bar. For the weighted push ups, we had to put the plate on our back (like a turtle) and do regular push ups. I used the 10 lb plate, and even that became a struggle by the 4th round. Push ups, I will own you one day. My time: 8:46.

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