
Monday, March 5, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 20 + Mar 5 WOD: Sprint

Today's meals

Breakfast: Paleo tablea cupcakes (2 pcs - ha!)
Lunch: Scrambled eggs, salad with olive oil, pepper, and salt dressing
Dinner: Burgers, roasted curried cauliflower
Snacks: Paleo tablea cupcakes, longan fruit, singkamas, caimito, durian chips, coconut vanilla ice cream


Pre-WOD, we were made to do 4 rounds, 6 reps per round of this in sequence:

- Dead lift
- Hang power clean
- Push press

For the first 2 rounds, we used a 35 lb bar, then for the other 2 rounds, we used a 45 lb bar.

After that came the WOD, which was 9-7-5 of:

- Power cleans
- Ring push ups
- Shoulder-to-overhead (you could choose to do shoulder presses, push presses, or push and jerks)
- Pull ups

I used 55 lbs for the cleans and 45 lbs for the shoulder-to-overheads (not even sure if this is the correct pluralization). I attempted to do ring push ups but I couldn't stabilize my arms so I did hand-release push ups instead. For the pull ups, I used my best friend, the green band. My time: 6:53.

I worked on my double unders again after the workout, and I was able to do several alternates of singles and a double under.

Post-WOD, the other CrossFit moms and I snacked on the tablea cupcakes I'd brought (which, incidentally, they said was good and didn't taste like paleo cupcakes at all -- success!) and the oranges that Lady had brought. Doc Tere then had coffee delivered from McDo, and it became an impromptu paleo picnic!

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