Today's meals
Breakfast: banana (I don't know why, but I wasn't really hungry this morning)
Lunch: grilled eggplant with bagoong and tomatoes, hard boiled egg, banana
Dinner: burgers, green salad with olive oil, pepper and salt
Snacks: paleo banana pancakes, banana, hard boiled egg
Third head-to-head today and I'm hoping we get this one (Lord, just one win, please!). It was 9 mins AMRAP of:
- 15 wall balls
- 180 ft. shuttle run
- 5 burpee hand-release box jumps
After that, there's a 2 min rest, then cash out was 2 mins of hollow rocks.
I used the 10 lb ball for the wall balls and the 12" box for the burpee-BJs. Looking at the board, I saw that my partner Dorothy almost made it to 5 rounds. She's really strong. I was able to do 3 rounds, and was 2 box jumps shy of 4 rounds. So close!
Anyway, I've been wanting to eat chocolate ever since the challenge started, and I'm now looking at some paleo chocolate cupcake recipes, thinking about how I can add tablea to the ingredients. Because I miss the taste of native hot chocolate made with tablea. I shall work on that this weekend.
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