We did another Hero WOD today -- Weaver. But for newbies and learners there was Weaver Jr., which is 4 rounds of:
- 6 L-pull ups (Rx: 10)
- 10 push ups (Rx: 15)
- 12 chest to bar pull ups (Rx: 15)
- 10 push ups (Rx: 15)
- 16 pull ups (Rx: 20)
- 10 push ups (Rx: 15)
Menu for the day: Weaver, Mrs. Weaver, Baby Weaver, or Weaver Jr. |
For the L-pull ups, I had to do 10 pull ups first then 6 knees-to-chest. I did knee push ups and used the green band at first for the pull ups, but Pau made me use the black one after the second round (which made it sooo much easier).
Time cap for non-Rxers was 25 mins and I finished in 21:36. My arms are shot.
And in other news, I must be crazy... because I just signed up for the Paleo Challenge! I don't have a partner yet but they said they can look for one for me.
That's my name in green, see? |
I've been reading up on it, and one of the things that intimidates me is the high probability that I would need to shop wisely for food and prepare my meals myself -- two things that I've always been too lazy to do. Let's just see how this goes...
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