
Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12 WOD

I wasn't able to workout last Friday because I was sick. It was just a sore throat but I felt really bad, and I even had to miss work. And then yesterday I was on mommy-mode because my son's 3rd quarter exams are coming up and I wanted to review with him. Anyway, enough of the excuses.

Today was strength/skill day and after the warmup we did 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 snatches (I used the 25 lb bar). After that, we did 6 rounds of:

20 fast feet
6 side-to-side pushups (that's one per side so actually we did 12)
3 kettlebell swings (8 kg)
3 snatches (15 lb bar)

We were given 15 minutes to do the 6 rounds and I finished in 13+ minutes.

I like going to the 10 am class because there are usually only 3 or 4 of us there and there's less pressure to do as well as the other "hardcore" crossfitters. I wish they'd have a 10 am class everyday, though, so I can maximize my membership fee.

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